On March 25th, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine announced the results of the state certification of higher education institutions in terms of their scientific (scientific and technical) activities.
In total, 135 Ukrainian universities that passed the respective attestation procedure were assessed in terms of the efficiency of scientific activity.
SumDU passed the certification in 5 areas and confirmed the high level of scientific activity, entering qualification group A in four areas: "Humanities and Arts", "Social Sciences", "Mathematics and Natural Sciences", "Technical Sciences" and group B - in the field of "Biology and Health".
The state certification of HEIs was carried out, in accordance with the Procedure approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated 22.08.2018 № 652, in 7 scientific areas: "Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine", "Military Sciences and National Security", "Humanities and Arts", “Social Sciences”, "Biology and Health Care", "Mathematics and Natural Sciences", "Technical Sciences".